Reading #1: Aristotle and LNC
Reading #2: Nagarjuna and LNC
Reading #3: Nietzsche on LNC
Reading #4: Aristotle on Eternal Being
Reading #5: Aquinas and the 5 Ways
Reading #6: Jonathan Edwards: Questions
Reading #7: Hodge on Freedom of the Will
Reading #8: Dostoyevsky: The Rebellion
Reading #9: The Meno: Knowingly Doing Evil
Reading #10: Anselm and the Ontological Argument
Reading #11: David Hume: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
Reading #12: Clifford: The Ethics of Belief
Reading #13: Thrasymachus
Reading #14: The Apology
Reading #15: Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics
Reading #16: Plantinga: Warranted Christian Belief
Reading #17: John Philoponus: Against the Eternity of the World
Reading #18: Pierre Bayle: Fideism
Reading #19: Buddha: The Arrow
Reading #20: Shankara: Maya
Reading #21: Feser: Kalam and Time
Reading #22: Theaetetus: On Giving an Account
Readng #23: Aristotle: Ethics and the Good
Reading #24: Fallibilism and Evidence for Belief
Reading #25: Theaetetus: On Giving an Account
Reading #26: Doubt: On Being Skeptical
Reading #27: Cicero: The Law
Reading #28: Popkin: Reformed Epistemology
Reading #29: Plato: The Cave
Reading #30: Cicero: On Moral Ends
Reading #31: Paradise Lost: Satan to Beelzebub
Reading #32: Augustine: Only God is Eternal
Reading #33: Aquinas: The Beatific Vision
Reading #34: Descartes: Doubt, Self, and God
Reading #35: Thomas Hobbes: God and Religion
Reading #36: John Locke: Knowledge of the Nature of God
Reading #37: Darwin: The Origin of Species
Reading #38: Babylonian Theodicy
Reading #39: Geertz and Defining Religion
Reading #40: Aristotle and the Laws of Thought
Reading #41: Plantinga and Reid
Reading #42: Freud and the Pleasure Principle
Reading #43: Hume and Evil
Reading #44: Kant and Transcendental Freedom
Reading #45: Dawkins and Intelligent Design
Reading #46: Dating Methods