
I use this blog for short introductions to philosophical ideas relating to our most basic beliefs.  Some of these questions are: How do we know?  What is real?  And, what is good?  I have named the blog, and given a quote from Aristotle, to help focus on the idea of the good as the highest end.


Owen Anderson is an associate professor of philosophy and religious studies in ASU's New College.  In 2013-2014 he was the William E. Simon research fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University and a visiting scholar at Princeton Seminary.  He has published seven books including The Declaration of Independence and God (2015) and The Natural Moral Law (2013) with Cambridge University Press.  His areas of research include epistemology, the ethics of belief, intellectual history, and religious pluralism.  He regularly teaches Philosophy of Religion, Introduction to Philosophy, Applied Ethics, World Religions, Western Religious Traditions, and Religion in America.

For a list of my books, articles, reviews, and encyclopedia entries see my CV:

My books:

The Declaration of Independence and God, Cambridge University Press (2015)

Reason and Faith at Early Princeton, Palgrave (2014)

Reason and Faith in the Theology of Charles Hodge, Palgrave (2013)

The Natural Moral Law, Cambridge University Press (2012)

The Clarity of God's Existence, Wipf and Stock (2008)

Reason and Worldviews, University Press of America (2008)

Benjamin B. Warfield and Right Reason, University Press of America (2005)